Charles Lindbergh: Children’s Book Challenge Day #3

25 Jul

Charles LindbergAnother late night makes for three straight days of creating a childrens’ book. We’re ten percent of the way there. Wow, that feels underwhelming. It does, however, feel great to have made it to three: one foot in front of the other, right?. It should get much more difficult at the end of this week when I leave for a business trip in Vegas, so we’re going to have to make a plan for distant production.

Since we had already crossed the Atlantic in our day 2 book, with Amelia Earhart, it seemed an easy extension to devote day 3 to Charles Lindbergh. His story is pretty interesting. What you probably don’t know is that six men died trying to be the first to fly from New York to Paris before “Lucky Lindbergh” pulled it off. At that time the amount of gasoline that the airplanes had to carry for a trip from New York to Paris was enough to crash two of the six men before they were ever able to take off.

His luck did run out. His infant son was later kidnapped and murdered in what was dubbed the “Crime of the Century.” As a father of an infant and a toddler, it’s hard to even imagine how that would have impacted him. Part of me wonders if he ever regretted his fame or blamed it for what happened to his son. Now excuse me while I go hug mine.

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Posted by on July 25, 2011 in Childrens Book Challenge


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