Category Archives: 30 Day Challenges

Write a Children’s Book Everyday

Tomorrow we begin our first 30 day challenge as a family. The theme for the next 30 days is LEARNING. We’ve chosen a pretty big challenge to start this journey:

One of Jill’s dreams has been to write children books that help teach values through the stories of real life people. So, we’re going to use our first challenge to help jumpstart that dream. Starting on our anniversary tomorrow, we are going to write a children’s book that tells the story of a real life person EVERY DAY for the next 30 days. It’s highly likely they won’t all be good, but getting started is always the hardest part. It will require us to learn about a new person each day. Regardless, it should be an adventure that will help Jill see where she may want to take this dream.

Wish us luck!